What is Paganism?

Merry Meet,
This, can be a very hard question to answer, and there really isn't one true answer. There are very many ways to define it, especially seen there are very many forms of it.
Let me begin, with what a Pagan ISN'T.
  • Satanist
    Many people seem to believe that those who practice Pagan rituals are worshiping Satan. Although I suppose some people do partake in both beliefs, it's highly unlikely. As Satan or The Devil, is of the Christian belief, Pagan's do not even recognize it's existence.
  • Insane
    Okay, it's perfectly possible that some of us are - but so might be Christians, Catholics, or Jews. How does beleiving in spirits make us  any more likely to be crazy than those believing a man parted a sea?
  • Cults
    So, many seem to believe that Pagans run cults - I'd just like to let you know, that murder is frowned upon amoung us just as amoung others. Sure, some cults could be parading as a group of Pagans - but they can also parade as Christians. No, Pagan's have covens, which are simply a group that meet up to perform rituals of worship - it's like the Pagan's form of church.

So then, what IS it?
"Pagan" is an umbrella term, and therefore encompasses mutliple religions. "Umbrella term" means it can have various forms; for example, fruit - bananas, apples, oranges, etc. are all fruit. So, Wicca, Druidism, Shamanism, and many others, are all forms of Paganism.
I once read somewhere, "all wiccans are pagans, but not all pagans are wiccans".
Also, I must add, that there are many Pagan's who practice witchcraft as well, though not all do and it should not be assumed that if someone claims they're pagan that they are witches.

Then what makes all of these count as Pagan?
The essense of a Pagan religion is it's belief in every aspect of nature having a spirit. This means, Pagans, in a way, worship nature, as their God(s) and/or Goddess(es) are living within and around everything we can see.
Pagan religions generally have two or more diety's. Wicca worships a God and Goddess; Druidism worships various aspects of nature itself; etcetera, etcetera.
Another thing most Pagans beleive in is spirits, or life-after-death. This idea of spirits is obvious in the previously mentioned ties to nature, as they believe that there are spirits in everything. Along with this generally comes other spiritual beliefs, generally to do with chakras and energies.

It is beleived that through rituals, worship, and other such activities, one can gain balance and good will in their life as well as in future lives (if they believe in reincarnation).
Things such as meditaion and grounding are to help balance out their energies, affecting every aspect of their life and attitude. In a way, it is a way to gain more control over our lives - despite many Pagan's believing in destiny.

In summary:
A Pagan is someone who beleives in the life of nature and are spiritualists, who like to commune with nature in order to balance and improve their life.

Side Note:
An Eclectic Pagan is someone who takes pieces or parts from the various religions that fall under Paganism. This means they may, for example, follow the Wiccan Rede while performing Shamanic activities. (I myself am an eclectic pagan).

Something to add? Comment below.

Blessed be.

1 comment:

  1. Merry Meet,
    Thank you for your blog. Keep fighting the stigma of being Pagan.
    Bright Blessings,
    Mes Heli


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