My Journey

Hail and Well Met,

I thought it would be interesting to post here how I, in my teens, came to be a Pagan.
Now, unlike some lucky people, a close friend of mine included, I was not raised Pagan and in fact had never heard of it from another person. My childhood in fact was religion-free, as my mother follows no particular faith, nor does my father.
It began on the internet. At the time, I was falling into a love of gothic fashion, vampires, and other such things. It was on the networking site Faries and Vampires that I had my first encounter with the idea of magick - don't leave me now, I am aware Paganism is not witchcraft (though I accept that there are those who do believe in witchcraft) but this is how it began. I started my research into the world of witchery, at that point amazed that anyone could think they could perform real magick, and that journey left me with a new research quest: Wicca.
After many months of collecting information I beleived myself to be Wiccan and (though I was unreasonably terrified, for my mother is a very accepting woman), somehow plucked up the courage to tell my mother: I want to be a Wiccan. Her response? Why.
It was the last question or reaction I expected and typically had absolutely no answer. I think I managed to stutter something about believing in it's beleifs....
One herdal down.
After that, my problem became school when I got asked what I beleived (I'd taken to wearing a pentacle necklace), and eventually, sick of trying to explain something that I really was unsure of myself, I told them to Google it.... Biggest mistake. A girl of popular status did, and what she found was no help to me. A christian website (again, no blame to that faith) proclaimed it to be devil-worship and witchcraft - not what I believed at all.
The rumour quickly spread through school and I became well-known as the "freaky witch girl" who thought she could do magic.
It took two years to live that down.

Anyway, eventually I sort of... admitted to myself, not everything in the Wiccan ways sat well with me - for very many Wiccans do practice witchcraft. So, I began my search again for something more fitting to my beleifs.
And thus, I became an Eclectic Pagan, which basically, I suppose, means I can take bits and peices from various Pagan religions to craft a religion fitting to me.

In another aspect, after these developments, my siblings seemed to decide perhaps they needed a beleif too (though really not, they found it of their own accord, but it just happened to occur after my journey).....
I officially have a Christian younger brother and a Christian older sister...
This isn't exactly the most... encouraging environment for me. I have been told by my own sister that she hopes "God will forgive you for your sins". Basically, she thinks I'll burn in Hell - thanks sis! (Not).
Needless to say, we've had our arguements (especially around holiday time), but no one's dead yet!

I invite you to write your own story! Perhaps how you told your own parents?

Blessed Be.

1 comment:

  1. My journey's a little like yours. I was in a Christian school at the time so I just follwoed Chistianity quite strongly until I realised that everything I truely believed didn't fit. For one thing, I liked to write preyers and make them rhyme. haha. I'm a Witch and a pagan, now. So my preyers were like spells. I believed strongly in forces other than the big JC, and I certainly believed in female forces. So, one thing led to another and three of us (me, my sister and a friend) decided we were pagan. This was about the time we were first allowed on the internet. My teachers thought we were just silly.
    When we met kids from other schools we were met with mockery, although the christian teachers were pretty bad it was actually the kids from schools who had no beliefs who seemed to give us the most stick! haha. ^.^
    I also had a surprisingly easy 'coming out of the broom closet' experience. "Dad, I've decided to become a pagan." "oh, that's ok, I've been a pagan since before you were born." XD Major shocker! Haha. I was stupidly lucky! My parents had never wanted to force any faith on me, but it just made more sense to me to be a pagan.
    It is only in the last year or so I've really moved on with my studies. I recently became a part of a new coven and it's awesome! ^.^
    Anyway, the brightest blessings to you!


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